Saturday 12 December 2015

Colours In Magazines


Mixmags cover has a mixture of green, orange, pink, purple, blue but with the main colours of black, red and white.
Even though this seems to be a crazy amount of colour, the 5 grouped colours are used for small detail which brings colour to the dark page.
The main colours represent different things:
Black- is associated with power, fear, strength, authority, elegance, formality, death, evil and rebellion. black is a mysterious colour that is typically associated with the unknown or the negative. The colour black also affects the mind and body by helping to create an inconspicuous feeling.
Red- is energising and excites the emotions and motivates us to take action. Relates to sexuality and lust. Signifies leadership, determination, confidence and ambition
White- pure, "the colour of perfection", innocence, wholeness and completion. cleanliness and personified.
The photo is in black and white creating the person to blend into the black background. RL Grime seems to look mysterious with the dark lighting on the eyes and the placement of this hands; looks like he's up to something. The red gives him a sexy feel but the white creates a ying and yang feel of the powerful colours and the soft colour added; balance.
The title and name with the main cover lines are white, helping them to stand out from the black background. The tagline and coverlines are red which stands out aswell from the background and the coloured patterns breaks down the strength of the solid black. The colours all go well together as they are all bold strong colours not pastel etc
Overall the message I would get from these colours are that he is a mysterious guy as of the black and red colours used with a black and white effect but creative as of the bright colours. 

These colours also stay throughout the magazine creating an organised repeat.


Wire's cover has a mixture of pink, blue, black and white. They all play a role in the cover, the white is the background/base of magazine.
The black is the colour of her hair and the title and coverlines which help stand out from the opposed colour.
The pink is the title/ lines on her top and blue is the strip on top of the page and her clothing.
The fact that the model is wearing 3 of the four colours used in the magazine makes the photo blend/ fit in much better.
Black and white are in the same group; monochrome, whereas the light pink and blue are in the same group; pastel colours.
These pastel and basic colours help create a calm feel and relaxing tone to the magazine.

The main colours represent different things:
Black- is associated with power, fear, strength, authority, elegance, formality, death, evil and rebellion. 
White- pure, "the colour of perfection", innocence, wholeness and completion. cleanliness and personified.
Pink- a delicate colour that means sweet, nice, playful, cute, romantic, charming, feminine, and tenderness, is associated with bubble gum, flowers, babies, little girls, cotton candy, and sweetness. The colour pink is the colour of universal love of oneself and of others.
Blue- This is a colour that seeks peace and tranquility above everything else, promoting both physical and mental relaxation. 
It reduces stress, creating a sense of calmness, relaxation and order
Pastel- pastel colours are the family of colours which have high value and low to intermediate saturation.
These colours repeat throughout the magazine creating an organised feel and also the majority of the pages has a white background with black writing helping the cover and magazine be the same.

The colours used on the inside of the magazine are all soft colours which is the same as the pink and blue pastel colours on the front of the magazine

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