Thursday 21 January 2016

Case Study Part 3: Contents Page

In Elle Magazine February 2016 issue, It contains two contents pages
The first contents page starts on page 23 which is placed into 5 categories of “Fashion’s New Mood”, “Beauty”, “Features”, “First look” and “KJ”. 
There are 5 photographs on this page, One being the main focus placed right in the middle of the page of women modelling clothes, and the others being small relating to the categories. 
The titles are all different colours from each other and are in capitals except for the “FIRST look” that is in semi caps. This category is in a light grey font which makes in not be the main category of the page. The “Fashions new mood” ’s description cuts some of the photograph off which helps the photo blend in to the page more instead of it being a huge distraction from the categories. The colours used on this page are washed down so they are not so bold and help fit in with the colour theme. The images have also a washed down colour to it/ not bright bold colours;the washed out colours show a form of reality which helps bring in the sophisticated women readers.
In some photos, the person is placed in the exact centre of the photo with the rest of the photos using rule of third and symmetry, this shows professional in photography. Each photo contains a model modelling clothes which helps emphasis the fashion in the magazine being a theme.
The structure is the same but is based around the main photograph. Its simplistic and brings a fun feel to the magazine. It pops out from the white background.
The top left corner is based on the model on the front; Kylie Jenner, with her initials being the only thing apart of the white background and an article about her.
Formal language is used followed by a rhetorical question of “Is there life after death?” helping you in cage with the magazine

The contents pages aren't at the front of the magazine. The first contents page starts at page 23 and then the more detailed contents page is placed on page 26. 
Before the first contents page, there are pages of pure images advertising brands for fashion and beauty, these advertisements were each double spreads giving them more importance and helping the reader get into the fashion vibe. I believe that the magazine company Elle did this strange magazine layout to get the readers already in the vibe of beauty and fashion before jumping right into reading about it.
In-between the first and second contents page, there is one double spread advert for Giorgio Armani giving this brand more recognition as everyone would see this advert and not skip it as it’s the only one in-between the two. Also the first contents page has a bootleg veneta advert on the left page with the second contents page having a chloe advert on the right page. These are prime spaces to have your advertisement as they are placed on the contents section.

The second contents page is a more organised structure with each article having the category on the first contents page, but a more detailed page with exact page numbers and briefs. They added three new categories called “on the cover”, “travel” and “regulars” which are either a different colour from the other categories or a different style of font, this helps them stand out more and inform the audience that these categories have been added. These new categories are in bold and in capitals which helps it fit in with the other main categories. The travel suggest that the audience will have a good salary, enough to be able to go on holiday and travel. The white background and black/ some coloured writing helps stand out with the contrast. This page has 3 main images which are not the main focus of the page as they are small and fit into the blocks of writing. The images are still of models and of Kylie Jenner as she is the main focus of this issue.The black and white photo with the nude colour photo helps create a feel of organised and sophistication which once again draws in the target audience.
On both contents pages, the categories are all bolder and bigger than the rest of the writing which makes each section separate. This creates a sense of organisation and the reader to want to read on and keeps the reader excited to read on as of the fonts.
This contents page also uses direct language as “If you don't have these in your wardrobe then go shopping” makes you feel like they are talking to you as if you guys are friends instead of just a reader. This is also a persuasive sentence which makes you spend your money on items as these fashion writers who are in the known tell you that you should get it. Also a rhetorical question of “ are you sitting comfortably?” is used which draws the reader in and feel apart of the magazine.
This contents page states “utilitarian+white=awesome”. The magazine has slowly changed its formal language to a more casual language which could be giving the message that now the reader and magazine are more comfortable with each other, they don't have to be so serious. 

From the statistics show that the magazine consists of:
Fashion 56%
Beauty and health is 10%
Entertainment/celebrity/culture 21%
Living 3%
Other/Misc 10%

Also I came up with the fact that an advertisement of a page would give Elle good money income. Elle wouldn't state how much advertisement cost unless you are signed up but I found that an average double page spread cost $6,225 followed with a single page spread $3,460.

This would mean that Elle make a lot of money from advertisements which could participate to how they are so successful.

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