Friday 29 January 2016

Case Study Part 4: Double Page Spread

The double page spread I chose to write about is on the article of Kylie Jenner. This article is 10 pages long, containing 6 pages of page sized photos of Kylie; two were on a double page spread. These photos are all from the same shoot; these photos were made purposely for the magazine.
The cover of the magazine is of Kylie Jenner as she is the main focus of the issue this month. 
The article is referred to as “BRAVE, BOLD, BEAUTIFUL”, which leads the reader to be drawn into the magazine as every woman wants to accomplish these adjectives and be like them. The alliterated B’s create a feeling of excitement. This helps these young women connect with the article more and draws the audience in as they want to relate to Kylie Jenner and be all these good things.

The title on the double page spread is “GENERATION NEXT" with the top right corner stating “cover star” dramatically highlighting that she is the main focus to this issue.
The title is written in black capitals with the “generation” being in a bold font only. This highlights the target audience of the readers being the same age as Kylie Jenner; 18, with also our generation being ‘Generation Z, born 1995-2015’. Beneath the title contains “Meet Kylie Jenner and Lucky Blue Smith” stating that these are the main people in this article, but the main focus is on Kylie Jenner as the most sought-after male model in decades only has a double page spread based completely on him at the end of Kylie's.
The bold black capital font/ non bold catches the eye of the reader as the white background enhances the black writing. It also catches the reader’s eye when the reader moves onto this page as this writing is the largest font with its placement practically in the top center. This also brings the article to life as it makes practically all readers intrigued about the generation. As all the writing is in black, it creates an organised, classic look.
The article is placed practically in the middle of the magazine, starting at page 114 and ending at page 123, the end of the magazine is page 162. This causes the reader to absorb much more about the magazine before getting directly to the Kylie Jenner article. I feel the majority of people would have only read the Kylie Jenner article and forgotten about the rest of the magazine if this article was placed at the front of the magazine. This shows the intelligence the magazine producers have.

With the photographs, there are 2 double page spread of photos (4 photos in total), two that are placed next to a page of writing and one which is in a double page spread of writing which is small and placed in the top left corner. She is modelling with a man called ‘Lucky Blue Smith’ who has a double page spread of writing and then a photo straight after the article of Kylie Jenner which links the two very well and shows a sense of organisation. On each double page spread of photos, the left is black and white and the right is in colour, this gives a theme of contrast. These black and white photos fit in well with the colour as the colours used in the coloured photos are black, white, grey and skin colour with a sense of yellow/blonde hair.These photos have used close ups (on the necklace), mid shots, wide shots and medium close up.
These photos keep with the colour scheme of black, grey, white and yellow which helps give a sophisticated, organised theme/ pattern throughout. The skin colour stands out from the page as it is practically the only colour on there. The male model has blue eyes which remarkably stand out from the page as it’s the only sense of colour there. The brown haired, brown eyed women and the blonde haired, blue eyed male create a good contrast in appearance. The cleanliness of the skin with no tattoos gives the feel of purity which makes the magazine have innocence.

Overall the entire theme that each article is about fashion and beauty which gives a message to the reader that they should wear the latest fashions to look and feel good. The target reader will find all of these articles interesting and even make them feel good about themselves as these women between the ages of 18 and 49 are extremely interested in these topics as that’s what most women love.

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